Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank You

Sekejab aje da habis 2010. Pejam celik, pejam celik. Taraaa... 2011 is coming.hee
Walaupun rasa sekejab masa bergerak, terlalu banyak kenangan pahit, manis, masam yang I rasa.

Kesedihan datang, kegembiraan yang mengubatinya.

Thank you Allah SWT for the strength that you gave to me ;)

Thank you Mama sebab banyak berkorban untuk Amy. Sabar eh. Lagi 4 - 5 bulan, Amy kerja ;)
Amy pun da penat nak belajar. Rasa da cukup tua untuk belajar lagi,hee

Thank you Papa sebab penat layan kerenah Amy. Bila kena panic attack aje, sure cari Papa ;p

Thank you lover sebab sentiasa support I. You being so nice to me. Serious !! Sampai Papa and Mama kata I selalu buli you.hee ;p

Thank you Fatimah sebab you selalu bagi I kata kata nasihat and dekatkan I lagi dengan Allah SWT. Friend forever oki ?? ;D

Thank you for those who hurt me. You make me more stronger. hahaha ;D

Thank you for those who make me smile and laugh ;)

Thank you for the happiness and sadness for the whole year 2010 ;)

Thank you for everything.

Thank you so much.

Holla 2011 !!

Please be nice to me ;)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bestnya dia...

Kadang kadang kita selalu mempersoalkan diri kita sendiri. Rasa macam diri ini tak perfect. Ada aje kekurangan yang kita nampak. Bukan kita tak bersyukur ke apa tapi memang da macam itu. Tu tak kena, ni tak kena. Bagusnya bila kita rasa macam ini ialah kita ada sikap nak bersaing tapi secara sihat la. Contohnya kawan kita pandai so kita rasa jealous dengan dia so apa yang kita buat ialah kita lawan dengan dia. Dulu lecturer BEL i masa diploma pernah cakap, "nak lawan pandai kawan kita senang aje. Tengok Formula One. Macam mana pelumba itu nak potong pelumba yang lain. Pelumba tu ekori pelumba dihadapan dia. If pelumba depan ke kiri then ikut dia ke kiri, if pelumba tu ke kanan then ikut juga ke kanan. Then lama lama tanpa sedar pelumba tu da makin dekat dengan pelumba dihadapan dia so bila da ada peluang, pelumba tu potong la". Tapi yang tak baik itu bila perasaan jealous tu melampau lampau. Mula la rasa tak puas hati. Mengutuk, tak nak kawan da and the worst thing orang buat bila nak guna bomoh bomoh ini. Omg ~ minta dijauhkanlah !! Tak baik betul ;)

I pun pernah rasa jelaous jeaslous ini.hee Standard la kan kan... ;p

Selalunya orang yang jelaous cakap 'bestnya dia blablabla...' bila orang yang dijealouskan tu :

a) Pergi vacation yoo !!
Setiap kali ada cuti aje kawan kita pergi holiday. Holiday bukan dekat dalam Malaysia tapi tu haa pergi sampai luar negara. Eventhough pergi Singapore yang sekangkang kera tu pun kita rasa jealous GILA !!! hahaha ;D Admit aje la kan ;p Pastu siap update status tengah buat apa semua. Sikit sikit update, sikit sikit update. Lagi la bertambah jealous. Nak lagi jealous ? Nahh dia upload pula gambar gambar dia tengah bersuka ria. Berasap aje tengok.heee Fuhfuhh* Tapi kita kena la cepat cepat redakan kejealousan tu. Think positive ~ takpa takpa. Ini masa kau. Nanti aku kumpul duit, aku dapat pergi juga la.hahaha ;D Hanya masa aje dapat menentukan segala galanya x) Bila da fikir positive so secara tak disengajakan kita pun akan buat perbuatan yang positive juga. Tiba tiba jadi hardworking gila bila kerja. Tak cukup dengan tu buat kerja sambilan pula.hee Bagus bagus ;)

b) Perfect gila douh hidup dia
Tak semua orang lahir dalam keluarga yang kaya. Betul tak ? Bila kita kawan dengan orang kaya ni sure kita akan kata yang dia tu lucky GILA !! Mana taknya semua benda dia dapat kot. Time sekolah belum pape lagi dia da rasa apa itu hp, apa itu laptop, apa itu gameboy or playstation. Telan air liur aje la kita.heee Dorang just minta aje dekat mummydaddy mamapapa dorang then sekilas pantas mummydaddy mamapapa dorang belikan. Cuba kita minta dekat mummydaddy mamapapa kita. Erkk memang tak berani la kan then confirm tak dapat.hahaha ;D Then back again think positive ~ tak semua orang tu perfect ;) Money can't buy happiness. Oki fine kita memang tak rasa apa itu kaya masa kita kecil tapi tak bermakna kita tak kan rasa juga bila kita da besar. Jadi la orang yang berjaya, ada gaji besar besar then kita bagi kekayaan kita itu dekat anak kita tapi jangan sampai mereka tu spoiled brat pula x)

c)Da la cantik pandai pula tu
Selalunya benda macam ini berlaku time sekolah sekolah dulu. Disebabkan dia tu cantik lagi pandai so sesuai la la sangat dia jadi tersangat la famous so apa lagi bertambah panas and jealous GILA la kita.hee ;p Ussually perempuan la kan. Guys ?? I'm not sure bila jumpa other guy yang much much better than them 'da la hensem, pandai pula tu'.hik Tapi bila da masuk U U ni da takda da rasa rasa macam ni. Tak matured la konon.hee ;p Tapi tipu la kan takda langsung rasa rasa jealous ni kan kan ? Bila da rasa jealous, apa lagi mula la buat benda negative ~ gossipng with our friends.heee ;p But the result will be positive ~ lega dada eden.hahaha ;D Iya la kan kita da share share cerita tadi. Phewww ~~ >:]

d)Charmingnya mr right dia !!!
Talking about mr right sure kepala otak kita yang bijak ni akan fikir "mr perfecto". Kan kan kan ? Siapa yang tak nak mr right yang charming lagi sempurna. Kalau buat list sure hensem yang pertama, 2nd kaya, 3rd pandai, 4th kaya GILA, 5th.... etc ~ Tak akan habis punya list kita tu. Tapi wujud ke mr right ?? Jawapannya wujud tapi 1 dalam sejuta la.hee ;p Cuba tengok keliling korang among your friends sure ada yang dapat boyfriend yang woww superb ;D Jealous kan ? jealous kan ? Mengaku aje ;p Pastu start la kita fikir benda benda yang melampau nak bergossip xoxo 'Eeee pelik la. Bukanya lawa pun tutt tapi bf gila hensem' or 'Aku lagi lawa kot dari tutt tapi asal la tutt dapat bf hensem macam tu' or maybe 'Ni mesti kena ubat guna guna ni'. Apa laa... Terimalah kenyataan yang dia bernasib baik. Maksudnya dia ada something yang kita takda and berjaya menarik hati lelaki yang awesome tu ;) Lagi satu, jangan la banding banding tau. Tak baik. Macam I, terima aje walaupun boyfriend I tu buncit, merepek and so on tapi I tetap sayangkan dia. Bagi I dia la terhensem sekali kat dunia ni. wink* Kita kena terima dia ada seadanya x)

Oki la. Penat la nak taip taip da.hee ;p Memang ada banyak lagi sebab sebab untuk kita berhak berasa jealous. Anyway, jealous tu bagus tapi jangan la OVER ;)

Monday, December 13, 2010


Dont judge a book by it's cover

Tak kenal maka tak cinta

Kita selalu dengar ayat ayat ini kan ? Sangat famous. Bila tak berkenan or tak suka sesuatu, ada aje orang cakap ayat ayat tersebut. Then after we hear it, we give a second chance to know more about them.

People ain't perfect

Yup. It's so true. Sometimes benda yang tak elok tu la adalah yang tebaik untuk diri kita. Trust me ;)

Apa kena dengan tajuk entry ?

Actually I nak cerita something. Kisah benar.hee

Masa sekolah dulu I kawan dengan semua orang. Tak kira la dia tu gemuk ke, kurus ke, pendek ke, hitam ke ~ semua I kawan. Siapalah kita nak judge orang kan. Mereka pun manusia juga.

Paling I kesian time tu orang gemuk. Kesian dorang. Because of they fat, self confidence dorang kurang. Dorang rasa diri dorang tak cantik.

I ada seorang kawan yang gemuk. Gemuk sangat. People always make fun of her. Panggil Pamela Andreson sebab dia punya 'tutt' besar ;p Tapi dia tak kenal Pamela tu siapa. Setiap kali orang panggil dia Pamela, dia akan tanya dekat I "Kenapa orang panggil kita Pamela ? Siapa Pamela ?". I just jawab "Pamela tu artis Hollywood. Dia famous tau so tak payah nak risau". Tak kan la I nak cerita pasal Pamela punya 'tutt' tu besar.hahaha ;D Sure kecik hati dia.

I memang betul betul jaga hati dia. Tak nak dia rasa rendah diri. Unfortunately, dia tak pernah anggap I as her best friend sampai dia sanggup tikam I dari belakang. Tak perlu la nak cerita what she done to me because it's really hurt.

We may forgive but will not forget

She asked for my forgiveness and I forgive her but to be friend as before, I don't think so.
For me, cukup la sekali.

Enough it's enough

But actually benda ni berlaku lagi masa I dekat UiTM Dungun. I kenal dengan seseorang yang gemuk. Gemuk sangat dan besar sebab dia tinggi. I berkawan baik dengan dia. Everything I will share with her. Pergi kelas pun sama sama sebab kitaorang satu kelas. Bila kat kolej, sure lepak kat bilik dia borak borak. Dia ada satu benda yang orang lain tak suka ~ bau badan dia yang busuk. I pun tak perasan bau badan dia. Kawan kawan I yang lain kata I da immune bau dia. Tapi tu la. As her friend off course la I back up dia. Orang cakap buruk aje pasal dia sure I akan lawan or I blah aje tak nak dengar. Until one day, I found out yang dia cerita buruk pasal I. Habis semua benda yang I kongsi dengan dia, orang lain tahu juga. Sedih tak ? Masa tu I marah, geram and sedih. Serious tak sangka dia boleh buat benda macam tu dekat I.

O.V.E.R I'm done

Dia tak mengaku and tak minta maaf dekat I. Malah menyombong dengan I adalah. WTF ?!! Huhh. Sakit hati.hee ;p Bila da tak baik dengan dia baru la I boleh bau badan dia. Omg. Memang busuk sangat oki. Macam mana la I boleh tak terbau. Mungkin betul kot I da immune.hahaha ;D


Start daripada tu, I da fobia nak kawan dengan orang gemuk. Kawan tu tetap kawan tapi tak nak terlalu rapat. Kawan macam biasa aje. Kadang kadang tu rasa macam menyampah tengok orang gemuk. Annoying la mereka. Sorry if siapa siapa terasa. Bukan salah I rasa macam tu. Takda niat pun ;)

I still be friendly with everyone I meet but I jadi choosy bila nak buat kawan. Hanya orang tertentu aje. If I rasa something wrong with themselves ~ a'ahh I tak kan berkawan. Full stop !!

By the way people ~ I'm a good friend ONLY if you be good to me ;)

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Orang selalu tak ambil kisah pasal gigi. Cantik ke gigi ? bersih ke gigi ? Yang selalu orang ambil berat pasal badan (gemuk ke kurus ke ?) Next rambut ~ what kind of style nak buat (rebonding ke curly ke or maybe pakai tudung biar terpelihara sikit)
Betul tak ?
Bab muka, takda hal la. Kan banyak make up so tampal aje la kat muka tu then the result will be awesome. Habis semua lubang lubang, bukit bukit, peta peta kat muka tu hilang.hee ;p

Tapi buat apa if ada muka yang cantik, then rambut yang woww then badan yg marvelous tapi gigi hancus ~ terabur bagai, kuning berkilat and bertampal tampal or karat semacam. Adoii. Susah nak discribe. Geli oki.hahaha ;D

Seriously la, for me gigi tu sangat penting. Hello !! To have a great smile kena la senyum nampak gigi. Baru la perfect muka tu. Takda la fake sebab nk cover gigi yang tak seberapa elok tu. Opss** a bit harsh but it's true la.
Betul tak ?

So for those yang tak seberapa gigi tu please la if ada duit pergi buat braces. If gigi yang berkarat tu pergi la cuci gigi kat dentist. Ngilu or sakit tu tahan aje for your own good.

Gigi tu sebenarnya lagi penting because ia mencerminkan diri seseorang tu. Pembersih ke, pengotor ke.


Thumbs up x)

google pic
So from now on people ~ jagalah kebersihan gigi kita ;)

Friday, December 10, 2010


Syukur sangat sangat Ya Allah !!
Walaupun tak menepati sasaran tapi agak cemerlang juga la if compare dengan before this.hik ;p
Alhamdulillah ~ Hanya itu aje yang mampu diucapkan.
Allah makbulkan doa saya untuk dapat 3 pointer ke atas.
Mungkin bukan rezeki saya untuk da
pat dean list sem ini ~ saya redha ;)

Betul kata kawan saya ~ "mintak je kat Allah ape yang kite inginkan.. InsyaAllah Allah akan tunaikan.. kadang2 Allah x bagi secara direct.. kite yg slalunye x perasan.."

Kawan kawan yang lain : Tahniah !! Good luck on your future undertakings ;)

Syukur, syukur, syukur

google pic

Friday, November 26, 2010


Cuti this semester, I jadi sangat pemalas !!
Kerja tak mahu.
Duduk rumah aje ~ online, tengok tv, makan (wajib) and tidur (harus) ;p

RESULT : tak sihat !!! :(
susah nak bernafas. rasa macam ada masalah peparu. da pergi jumpa doctor tapi doctor
kata ini semua psychology I aje. I diserang panic attack. merepek aje doctor tu. I nak
panic apanya. duduk rumah aje kot. just doa aje la semoga I oki balik and sihat ;D


Monday, November 22, 2010

You and Me = Forever

Happy birthday
to the love of my life ;)

Have a sweet moment on your day...


Happy anniversary !!! ;D
We have been together for 1 year ~ Woww ;p

You are still the man of my dream.
Growing old with you is one of my favorite things to do ;)

Monday, November 15, 2010

Counting the days ;)

Happy newly wedding to my beloved friend ~ Nurhalifa bt Maarof and her husband Mohammad Aizat Hazlani bin Othman.

Woww. I can't believe that you're married. hee I'm so happy !! ;D Sorry tak dapat datang your wedding ceremony last weekend sebab final exam belum habis lagi but I did come this weekend kan ;p

Oh here a picture that I took from facebook ;)

Rafiq Khamis's photo/facebook

Seronok sangat tengok a few of my friends who engaged and already got married. Some of them da pregnant la and ada tu da ada anak da.

Omg. How beautiful their life isn't it ? ~~ Jealousy !!!

When is my turn ? One day and I'm still counting the day x) ~ blushing**

google pic.

p/s : These memories will only be share with someone I love the most in my life ;)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

It's Over but I'm Happy ;)

Things changed now.
I don't know how or when it happened.
It's all of sudden.
But it's oki.
For at least I know who are friends to me.
Some people be friend with us just because we have something that benefits them.
Some are not but they're difficult to find.
They once made me happy.
They smile when I smile.
They hug to comfort me when I'm sad and cry.
But again... Things changed.

I just remain silence.
It's the best way maybe.
Losing them doesn't mean I have nothing, but I gain something more valuable ;)
Thank you for the good and bad things that you've done.
Let ALLAH repays back on my behalf.

End of story.

It's OVER but I'm HAPPY :D

p/s : new chapter of my life.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

I am different

Gembira tengok mereka gembira ;)

Cemburu ?

Yup. Sangat cemburu.



Congrats to my batchs ~ wish you guys all the best ;D

Akan merindui Sanorliana yang sweet (hari hari kata dia cantik), Atifah yang ke arah kebaikan (pun hari hari puji dia cantik), Guys BACC yang hot ke especially Azza & Zaim yang sentiasa buli tetapi mereka baik oki (sebab dorang la i dapat nama baru ~ AME) , Ejat orang gila tapi macho (belanja movie,kihkih...) , Suhaili @ susu yang HOT sangat !!! Pastu geng yang sentiasa bersama Ijan & kawan kawannya (hye ijan ;)) & Intan & sekutunya and lastly Juanne & the geng.hee ;p

Tak lupa juga my beloved housemates : Yana, Reen & Yuyun ;)

Friends forever ~ insyaAllah ;)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

No tittle

Hye everyone,

Lama da tak updated blog. Banyak benda nak cerita tapi tula takda masa. Pastu takda internet & laptop.hehehe Nak beli yang baru ?? Urmm... macam harapan aje la kan ;p
Sekarang ni I'm FREE !!! Yeayyy ;D Best sangat. Selesai semua test & quiz. Alhamdulillah !! Semuanya seperti diharapkan. Even awal sem macam tak perform sangat sebab practical kot so otak macam slow sikit.heee ;p

Eh belum lagi la. Ada report yang belum di submitkan. Alaa report aje kot.kihkih ;)

Last 3 weeks rasa macam apa aje. Stress gila !! Semua benda macam annoying aje. Rasa macam nak sepak semua orang.hahaha ;D Word paling famous time tu 'bodoh'. Tried to control tapi tak boleh. Keluar juga dengan berjayanya.heee ;p Tapi takda la teruk sangat kan word tu. Betul tak ?

Sekarang ni da takda da stress stress. Just nak focus final exam aje. Oh. Jadual oki la. Ada masa untuk study even ada 2 paper hari & esok. Faham tak ? hee ;p

25/10/2010 maf 620
4/11/2010 ais 510
8/11/2010 aud 610
9/11/2010 fin 610

Untuk 2 paper terakhir tu kena make sure siapkan note & hafal siap siap. Semua paper kena A. Wajib !!! I nak juga rasa apa itu dL macam adik i. Jealous betul la dengan mira.heee ;p

InsyaAllah... Allah swt akan sentiasa dengan kita jika kita berusaha, berdoa & bertawakal dengan-NYA ;)

Selamat beramal !! hee ;p

Oki la. Stop kat sini dulu. If ada masa, i akan cerita lagi oki ??

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hari raya..


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Never say goodbye

People may come & go in our life. It's just we don't know where & when it will happen. How hard we try to hold them but once that moment arrive ~ we just have to let them go. Even we'll might hurt badly.

Awak, free tak 30hb ni or 1st of july ? Kita nak belanja awak ni. If 30hb ~ dinner or lunch kat Times Square. If 1hb ~ dessert only (Baskin maybe,hik x)) So macam mana ? ASAP eh ;p

"I will never ever say goodbye to friendship"

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Part time job & my love

Hello everyone.

I'm done with my internship ~ yeayy !! I feel FREE ;D
I have 1 month more before I start continuing my studies. So what I'm gonna do for 1 month ? Just lepaking at house ? Of course nope. I'm working ;)

The place that I'm working now. Before this during my semester break I used to work as a waitress at San Francisco Pizza, KLSC Wangsa Maju & Fashion Advisor at Calvin Klien Jeans, Pavilion. It was great actually doing something during our break. We gain the experiences & also hell yaa the salary bebehh ;p hee...

This is the first time I work at optical shop. I'm really excited to start working but at the same time I'm lazy. haha ;D But I have to work because I'm not like other daughters who can easily get anything they wishes for. I have to work if I want to have something that a little bit expensive. Yup, that's me ;)

Check out my desire list :
1. Samsung Corby
2. new lappy
3. new glasses

Then the balance is for shopping !! Yeahaa ;D Can't wait for that moment x)

On my 1st day of working, a lot of new things that I've learned. I learned how to make glasses. It's cool huh ? Then I met some of the customers that makes me remind much about my boyfriend ~ I miss you sayang sooo much ;)

The working hours are from 10.30 am - 9.30 pm. 10 hours working + 1 hour break. It's too long right ? Pheww ;p To tell the truth actually I'm pretty much do nothing at my workplace. Every morning I have to clean up the shop then most of the time I just sit & wait for customers to come in. It's kinda boring & time moves so slow. I feel like 1 hour = 1 year.hikhik ;p

" Doing nothing can make you feel tired "

Oki. Enough talking about my part time job. If there's any hot stories, i will let you guys know ;)

Oh here some pictures of me & my boyfriend ;)
The last weekend was awesome !!

Nor Amelia & Omar Qayyum

Enrich Chocolate Old Town ~ yummy x)

Restaurant Rasa Sayang Nasi Kandar ;)

Sayang, thank you for the necklace ;)

I LOVE you indefinitely


I MISS you

Sunday, June 6, 2010


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Alhamdulillah ;)
Thats all I can say.
Everything is fine. I'm glad he came to KL to see me ;)
Even there are some fights here & there but we still can managed it.
I'll update more soon.hikhik ;p

note : cepat cepat I nk gambar ;p

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I'm not me


Lama sungguh hari berlalu

Hening malam menyiksaku

Bila bersendirian sepi jadi pilu

Kau pergi aku yang hilang

Sedikit pun hidup tak senang

Langit cerah ku renung mendung kelabu


Kerana diriku bukan aku

Tiap kali kau menjauh

Fikiran tak keruan

Jiwa rasa kekosongan

Diriku bukan aku

Tiap kali kau menjauh

Pulangkan dia ke pangkuanku

Yang digemar menjadi bosan

Sukarnya cari ketenteraman

Bila hati bersedih semuanya tak betul

Ku cuba setabah hati melupakan

dari ingatan

Tapi semakin dicuba semakin rindu

Dear sayang,

I can't stop loving you. Everyday it keeps growing. Believe me that I do 100 % trust you or even more than that but please promise me that you will hold my trust tightly & don't even break it. Will you ? ;)

Dear friends : Thank you for being a good friends to me ;)
But this is my life so let me do it my way.
All I need is u guys being beside me so that when I
fall there will be hands to hold me back.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


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Orang lain sibuk dengan Blackberry. iPhone or whatever ~ but I nak Samsung Corby... Why ? Sebab murah !! hikhik ;p Then function dia oki laa but still canggih ;) Design dia cun & touch screen. I will make sure I akan dapat Samsung Corby bulan ni juga ;D Amin...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don’t give me a shit !!

Im really mad lately. It’s because someone who I thought could be my friend is giving me some shit. WTH ??

Oki. This is not the 1st time she does this to me. It started the last time we have an assignment asked by our our boss to do some reports about the seminar that we' ve attended. She does the beginning part, then she asked me a favor to finish it. Oki fine. It’s not a problem to me so I did it. She said that we just need to copy & paste the summarization of speech by each presenter on the report that has been given by the organizer. On the day that we have to submit, she said that she's not satisfied with the report & she wanted to edit it. Oki I know it’s my fault & I admit it because I finished it at the very last minutes (my bad). She's mumbling and I don’t care until the point when she said “no wonder orang selalu gaduh dengan you” & I was like WHAT ?? Eh hello !! I’m not who's having problems with the housemates and at the end you're the one who move out from your house or even change the class. It’s so funny when she said something that actually reflect to herself.haha ;D

Since then I never talked to her again until she says sorry to me. I accepted her apologies & we become friends again. I gave her a 2nd chance.

Unfortunately our friendships weren't last long. Guess what ? She did it again. It happened on the day that Puan Hanim came to our office to visits us. Well people, Puan Hanim actually said something which are generally about rules & regulations in the office such as timing and we have to come early before 9 am & informing the supervisor before going back home.

To make a story, we had our conversation about what Puan Hanim told us while we on our way to night market after our work hour. Well surprisingly when she told me that all the reminders that Puan Hanim said was actually dedicated to me. But what shock me more was when she told me that “you suka melawan & satu office tahu”. I was like WTF ??? Celah mana aku melawan cakap orang….

Oki to tell the truth, she always come late to the office. Most of the time she comes around 9.10 – 9.20. So who's the one having a timing problem ? Yes, definitely her. Besides that, I had never go back home before 6 pm. I will shut down the computer exactly at 6 pm & wait awhile since my computer has a problem due to the virus. So it will takes some times to shut down. Oki fine. I never know that we have to inform the supervisor before we head back home.

I was like ‘mengelabah ayam’ after I heard what she says. Supposedly I should just be cool right ? Haiyakk !!! Because all the reasons she said was the reflection of herself. I shouldn’t get mad or crying. Yes, I’m crying… like a baby.hikhik What a shame ;p

Anyway, Im really grateful to have my mom, my sayang, my friends (especially fatimah) for being there to comfort, support & give me some advises. Thank you so much ;)

What happen between me & her ? Well I don’t want to be friend with her anymore. Enough is enough. I've already gave her a 2nd chance & there is no 3rd chance. It’s oki for losing her as friend. I don’t even care. There are nothing much to talk about between us. Oh by the way, she has a lot of enemies outside there.hahaha ;D So bye bye LOSER !!! Get your life & may god bless you ALWAYS ;)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekend !!

I feel so awesome !! It’s weekend so that means I don’t have to go to work ;) Yehaaa… hee ;p

But it seems like I don't have any activity to do on weekend. Doing things I like the most like surfing & watching tv all the time will make me getting bored. Serious !! So at last, I will take a nap ;p

Oh just now my little sister watched Gol & Gincu. How I miss that movie. For me it's a great movie ever that Malaysian Film produced. I really love Fazura. She's being herself in that movie which kind a ‘gedik’ but it’s fine to me. She’s so sweet & pretty as well ;)

& because of that movie also I fell in love with Pierre Andre. He’s so romantic in that movie. When he called Putri (Fazura) “sayang” I was like melting.haha ;D He’s cute & I really adore to have a boyfriend like him. I remember the last time he had an interview with REMAJA magazine for the valentine day issue and his line saying ‘Jika saya ada duit 1 juta akan saya gunakan untuk belajar bawa kapal terbang then sewa kapal terbang untuk bawa future wife saya ke satu tempat yang saya taburkan bunga ros tulis I LOVE YOU & pada masa yang sama saya akan bisikkan kepadanya sudikah jadi ibu kepada anak anak saya ?’. Oh my God !! I was like pheww after reading it & how I wish he can be my boyfriend. Tett !! In your dream Amy ;p

Oki done for today & will update more soon ;) Dadaa !!!

p/s : I called you because I miss you. Sorry...

Friday, April 30, 2010

Who am I ?

Hye everyone.

It’s been awhile I didn’t update my blog. There are problems with my internet.hee
How I miss blogging ;)

Today I want to share a story about best friend type & how happy I am with my life.

Heee… it sounds serious huh. A few years back, I read some articles in CLEO magazine which the title of the article is ‘ Who are you ? ‘

This article attracted me & makes me reading it till the end. At first the article give you 10 questions for you to answer it. The questions are about your personality, environment & social life. Then once you finish it, you have to calculate all the answers to find the final answer ~ Who are you ?

I done it & the answer for me was I am “ A Best Friend type “. I was like okiii… Then the article explains what best friend type means. There are more other types but I can’t remember them ;p

For the best friend type, the article said that I’m a person who really care about other people feeling. I’m a very good listener & trying hard to be a good advisor. All I want is people around me to be happy. I will try to make everything fine no matter how hard it will be. When bad things happened, I can still smile. Huhh. Really ? Cause it depends on how bad the bad thing is. hahaha ;D I’m also naïve, kind, fun to be with and easy going. Then the article said that everyone loves to be friend with me. As for a boy they might fell in love with me ( the article said, not me ;p ) & for a girl they wanted to be my good friend. But at the same time I have to be careful because people might take it as an advantage for themselves but the article didn’t mention what kind of advantage and since everyone always bahan-ing me & hell yaa people make fun about me so I assume that this is might be one of the advantages for themselves. It’s oki for me as long as it’s not too much so take a note people & stop calling me a penguin ;p

What I want to say here is things are change now. I might agree with the article but again I read it a few years ago. Now I’m a different person. The new Nor Amelia ;) I want to be a better person. More mature. My family likes the changes in me especially my mom & I’m glad to hear that.

But there are some problems occur among my friends. They said that they hate the new Amy. It’s because I refused to go out just the two of us ( with a guy ), spend time with them at mamak stall at night or even watch a movie. They said that I've changed myself just because a guy & how stupid I am doing it. I give the explanations and tell them that I do not change myself because I have a boyfriend but it’s because I want to. For me, this is a right time to change. I've already found someone who I want to end up with so all I want to do is to focus on my future. That’s it !!

It’s oki if people keep saying that I’m not a fun person anymore because I’m happy with my life ;) Meaning of fun for me is being with my family & my boyfriend ( Yes sayang. You are also part of my family since mama loves you more than me.hikhik…). And please take a note my dear friends, it would be my pleasure if you want to join me hanging out with my boyfriend. You wouldn't be invisible. I promise ;)

So here are my priority list :
1. Family
2. Future
3. Love
4. Friends

So please bear in your mind. Thank you ;)

Friends, you guys still have my love & don’t worry I will not left you guys. Never ever. I’m still Amy who's a good listener, chatterbox & clumsy.hee ;p

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hye. I'm lazy !!

-google pic-

Penat + ngantuk + malas !!

That why da lama tak update blog. Banyak cerita nak kongsi sebab banyak benda yang berlaku lately ni tapi tu la. Da rajin nanti i update oki ;))

Oh before that, my beloved uncle ~ pak uteh passed away :(


Friday, March 26, 2010

Bad mood huhh ?

I'm not oki !! :(


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Mari belajar memasak ^-^

Di dapur.

Me : Mama. Amy ingat amy nak belajar masak la mama. Amy nak masak sesedap mama. Boleh tak ? Hee ;)

Mama : Elehh. Iya tu. Ok kalau macam tu pergi potong cili, potong bawang pastu pergi blender dia.

Me : Err... mama. Amy just belajar tengok aje boleh tak ?? Watch & learn...

Dang !! Gila pemalas ;p

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wedding Ceremony

Malasnya nak update blog. Padahal banyak benda nak cita ^_^
Oki oki. Sementara tengah rajin ni, nak update laa...

Hari Sabtu minggu lepas (malam) , ada wedding ceremony anak lelaki kawan papa ~ Uncle Rosli. Sangat hebat oki wedding ceremony tu. Venue dekat Restoran Seri Melayu. Woww !! Grand gila ;D Uncle Rosli booked that restaurant almost RM 26000 for the whole day. Woww again !! Yang dijemput hanya 500 tetamu sahaja. So sempat la cuci cuci mata tengok guys yang handsome handsome belaka ;p Anak datuk tu. Hikhik ;)

Yang tak bestnya tetamu datang lambat. Dalam invitation card tu kan tulis 8.30 ketibaan tetamu so please la make sure datang pukul 8.30 or before 8.30. Tak pasal pasal makan lambat. Actually I da lapar sangat time tu. Hee ;p

Psst... Anak first Uncle Rosli sangat handsome ~ PILOT ;) tapi slacknya dia da kahwin. Damn !!

No table ~ 31 ;)

Ika, Papa & Mama (kelakar muka mama ;p)

Yup !! That's me with ika ;)

Note : Bila turn kita sayang ? Hee ;p (gedik)

Oh !! Kereta mama kena pecah semalam. Tak ada benda penting hilang. Cuma road tax aje hilang. Buat apa nak curi road tax ? Tak faham I. Tapi mama da buat police report. Nasib baik ada insurance boleh cover cermin kereta tu. Tadi pun mama kerja halfday. Cermin kereta mama pun da oki ;) Syukur !!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

BIG problem. SHIT !!

Eee geramnya !!

Hp rosak LAGI !!!!!!!

Perlu ke rosak sekarang haa ???

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kerana kesempitan hidup

Terkejut dengan berita pagi ini. Tak sangka dia yang dimaksudkan. Oh come on ! It's DRUG... Dealer pula tu. Boleh dihukum mandatory gantung sampai mati. Tapi kenapa perlu dia jadi macam tu ? Da tak ada akal ke nak fikir yang mana baik & buruk ??

I had a conversation with my mom while we're having our breakfast. We talked about this issue. I asked my mom kenapa dia buat benda bodoh tu. My mom said it's because kesempitan hidup !!

Dia kan da kahwin. Ada seorang anak yang sakit. Pastu mak dia pun sakit cancer. Dia pula tak ada kerja tetap. Cuma jadi pelakon yang job tak menentu. Which drama yang ada muka dia ? Tak ada satu kan ?? So tak ada duit la dia. Jadi dia tertekan....

So jalan yang paling mudah cari duit ialah merompak or jual dadah.

Too bad for him, dia kena tangkap akhirnya setelah sekian lama berjaya dalam 'kerjayanya' .

Sekarang dia da buat orang yang sayangkan dia menangis. Especially his mom. Tak rasa berdosa ke buat mak kita sedih & susah hati ?? Da terlambat nak patah balik. Tawakal aje la. Moga Yang Maha Esa dapat membantu dia.

I just harap I tak jadi macam dia walaupun sempit macam mana hidup ini. I percaya banyak lagi jalan yang diredhai oleh-Nya yang boleh I pilih. I tak nak famlily I rasa sedih & menyesal dengan kelahiran I di dunia ni. I nak mama & papa rasa bangga dengan I & menjadi idola kepada adik-adik I. Aminn :)

Anyway, I used to like him.hee ;)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Confession : I miss you

Dear sayang,
Day by day, 26 days already since we last see each other. The last time we met was on 14 & 15 February. It only 3 weeks & 5 days but I feel like a year I didn't see you & I started to miss you.

Everything I do remind me of you :(

Sometimes mama noticed how bad I miss you & keep asking me ' rindu omar ke ? '

How I wish you can come to KL every weekend but I know you've been busy with tests & quizzes so I've to wait until you feel free to come & see me.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Note to you

Omar Qayyum

I know you can do it sayang ;D
Muahhx ~


Nor Amelia