Monday, November 15, 2010

Counting the days ;)

Happy newly wedding to my beloved friend ~ Nurhalifa bt Maarof and her husband Mohammad Aizat Hazlani bin Othman.

Woww. I can't believe that you're married. hee I'm so happy !! ;D Sorry tak dapat datang your wedding ceremony last weekend sebab final exam belum habis lagi but I did come this weekend kan ;p

Oh here a picture that I took from facebook ;)

Rafiq Khamis's photo/facebook

Seronok sangat tengok a few of my friends who engaged and already got married. Some of them da pregnant la and ada tu da ada anak da.

Omg. How beautiful their life isn't it ? ~~ Jealousy !!!

When is my turn ? One day and I'm still counting the day x) ~ blushing**

google pic.

p/s : These memories will only be share with someone I love the most in my life ;)

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