Saturday, May 1, 2010

Weekend !!

I feel so awesome !! It’s weekend so that means I don’t have to go to work ;) Yehaaa… hee ;p

But it seems like I don't have any activity to do on weekend. Doing things I like the most like surfing & watching tv all the time will make me getting bored. Serious !! So at last, I will take a nap ;p

Oh just now my little sister watched Gol & Gincu. How I miss that movie. For me it's a great movie ever that Malaysian Film produced. I really love Fazura. She's being herself in that movie which kind a ‘gedik’ but it’s fine to me. She’s so sweet & pretty as well ;)

& because of that movie also I fell in love with Pierre Andre. He’s so romantic in that movie. When he called Putri (Fazura) “sayang” I was like melting.haha ;D He’s cute & I really adore to have a boyfriend like him. I remember the last time he had an interview with REMAJA magazine for the valentine day issue and his line saying ‘Jika saya ada duit 1 juta akan saya gunakan untuk belajar bawa kapal terbang then sewa kapal terbang untuk bawa future wife saya ke satu tempat yang saya taburkan bunga ros tulis I LOVE YOU & pada masa yang sama saya akan bisikkan kepadanya sudikah jadi ibu kepada anak anak saya ?’. Oh my God !! I was like pheww after reading it & how I wish he can be my boyfriend. Tett !! In your dream Amy ;p

Oki done for today & will update more soon ;) Dadaa !!!

p/s : I called you because I miss you. Sorry...


wr1t3r said...

I totally looked like him.

Guilty as charged.

Nor Amelia said...

Jauh api dari panggang.hehehe ;p