Sunday, June 27, 2010

Never say goodbye

People may come & go in our life. It's just we don't know where & when it will happen. How hard we try to hold them but once that moment arrive ~ we just have to let them go. Even we'll might hurt badly.

Awak, free tak 30hb ni or 1st of july ? Kita nak belanja awak ni. If 30hb ~ dinner or lunch kat Times Square. If 1hb ~ dessert only (Baskin maybe,hik x)) So macam mana ? ASAP eh ;p

"I will never ever say goodbye to friendship"


Anonymous said...

hehe. Amy!

30hb kita ada birthday party.

1st, kuar ngan niza.

Jumaat? Okay tak? If not, khamis malam.. :)

Nor Amelia said...

Oh sedihnya :(

Mlm khamis tak boleh sbb ada plan dgn adik kita.

30hb n 1st tu kita free pada waktu tertentu.hik ;p

Jumaat i'm not sure. Will inform u later eh.