10 things I hate about you ;)
1. I hate you when you late in replying my message in handset & yahoo messenger because it keeps me waiting.
2. I hate you when you talk about your fantasy & imagination because sometimes it makes me feel annoying even I know you're trying to make jokes.
3. I hate you when you keep reminding me for the mistakes that I've done even I've already asked for apology because it makes me feel guilty.
4. I hate you when you keep making promises to me because I'm afraid that you might not fulfil your promises just like how you did before because I might get hurt so badly.
5. I hate you when you always have reasons for what happened even though your reasons sometimes make no sense.
6. I hate you when you laugh at me & it makes me want to knock down your head.
7. I REALLY hate you when you say sorry & I just easily accept & forget it.
8. I hate you when you get mad at me because it scares me.
9. I hate you when you always right & I always wrong.
10. The most things I hate about you is that I keep loving you even you keep doing the things that I hate about you.
I miss you
wow. while this is sweet, i question the originality ;p
Eee Add ni.
Suka mcm ni tau. Original la. Siap boleh slah eja 'message' lagi. haha ;D
xde, cuz mcm baru je someone else buat something like this; pastu tiba2 u pun buat. haha :p
Coincidence ;p
Tak tiru siapa2.
so shweeeeett~ ;)
tQ sarah ;)
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